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深度学习模型的最新发展,捕捉作物物候的复杂的时间模式有卫星图像时间序列(坐在),大大高级作物分类。然而,当施加到目标区域从训练区空间上不同的,这些模型差没有任何目标标签由于作物物候区域之间的时间位移进行。为了解决这个无人监督跨区域适应环境,现有方法学域不变特征没有任何目标的监督,而不是时间偏移本身。因此,这些技术提供了SITS只有有限的好处。在本文中,我们提出TimeMatch,一种新的无监督领域适应性方法SITS直接占时移。 TimeMatch由两个部分组成:1)时间位移的估计,其估计具有源极训练模型的未标记的目标区域的时间偏移,和2)TimeMatch学习,它结合了时间位移估计与半监督学习到一个分类适应未标记的目标区域。我们还引进了跨区域适应的开放式访问的数据集与来自欧洲四个不同区域的旁边。在此数据集,我们证明了TimeMatch优于所有竞争的方法,通过11%的在五个不同的适应情景F1-得分,创下了新的国家的最先进的跨区域适应性。
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We study the multiclass classification problem where the features come from the mixture of time-homogeneous diffusions. Specifically, the classes are discriminated by their drift functions while the diffusion coefficient is common to all classes and unknown. In this framework, we build a plug-in classifier which relies on nonparametric estimators of the drift and diffusion functions. We first establish the consistency of our classification procedure under mild assumptions and then provide rates of cnvergence under different set of assumptions. Finally, a numerical study supports our theoretical findings.
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In recent years, we have seen a significant interest in data-driven deep learning approaches for video anomaly detection, where an algorithm must determine if specific frames of a video contain abnormal behaviors. However, video anomaly detection is particularly context-specific, and the availability of representative datasets heavily limits real-world accuracy. Additionally, the metrics currently reported by most state-of-the-art methods often do not reflect how well the model will perform in real-world scenarios. In this article, we present the Charlotte Anomaly Dataset (CHAD). CHAD is a high-resolution, multi-camera anomaly dataset in a commercial parking lot setting. In addition to frame-level anomaly labels, CHAD is the first anomaly dataset to include bounding box, identity, and pose annotations for each actor. This is especially beneficial for skeleton-based anomaly detection, which is useful for its lower computational demand in real-world settings. CHAD is also the first anomaly dataset to contain multiple views of the same scene. With four camera views and over 1.15 million frames, CHAD is the largest fully annotated anomaly detection dataset including person annotations, collected from continuous video streams from stationary cameras for smart video surveillance applications. To demonstrate the efficacy of CHAD for training and evaluation, we benchmark two state-of-the-art skeleton-based anomaly detection algorithms on CHAD and provide comprehensive analysis, including both quantitative results and qualitative examination.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Chain of thought prompting successfully improves the reasoning capabilities of large language models, achieving state of the art results on a range of datasets. However, these reasoning capabilities only appear to emerge in models with a size of over 100 billion parameters. In this paper, we explore the transfer of such reasoning capabilities to models with less than 100 billion parameters via knowledge distillation. Specifically, we finetune a student model on the chain of thought outputs generated by a larger teacher model. Our experiments show that the proposed method improves task performance across arithmetic, commonsense and symbolic reasoning datasets. For example, the accuracy of T5 XXL on GSM8K improves from 8.11% to 21.99% when finetuned on PaLM-540B generated chains of thought.
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Because noise can interfere with downstream analysis, image denoising has come to occupy an important place in the image processing toolbox. The most accurate state-of-the-art denoisers typically train on a representative dataset. But gathering a training set is not always feasible, so interest has grown in blind zero-shot denoisers that train only on the image they are denoising. The most accurate blind-zero shot methods are blind-spot networks, which mask pixels and attempt to infer them from their surroundings. Other methods exist where all neurons participate in forward inference, however they are not as accurate and are susceptible to overfitting. Here we present a hybrid approach. We first introduce a semi blind-spot network where the network can see only a small percentage of inputs during gradient update. We then resolve overfitting by introducing a validation scheme where we split pixels into two groups and fill in pixel gaps using domino tilings. Our method achieves an average PSNR increase of $0.28$ and a three fold increase in speed over the current gold standard blind zero-shot denoiser Self2Self on synthetic Gaussian noise. We demonstrate the broader applicability of Pixel Domino Tiling by inserting it into a preciously published method.
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With the rise of AI in recent years and the increase in complexity of the models, the growing demand in computational resources is starting to pose a significant challenge. The need for higher compute power is being met with increasingly more potent accelerators and the use of large compute clusters. However, the gain in prediction accuracy from large models trained on distributed and accelerated systems comes at the price of a substantial increase in energy demand, and researchers have started questioning the environmental friendliness of such AI methods at scale. Consequently, energy efficiency plays an important role for AI model developers and infrastructure operators alike. The energy consumption of AI workloads depends on the model implementation and the utilized hardware. Therefore, accurate measurements of the power draw of AI workflows on different types of compute nodes is key to algorithmic improvements and the design of future compute clusters and hardware. To this end, we present measurements of the energy consumption of two typical applications of deep learning models on different types of compute nodes. Our results indicate that 1. deriving energy consumption directly from runtime is not accurate, but the consumption of the compute node needs to be considered regarding its composition; 2. neglecting accelerator hardware on mixed nodes results in overproportional inefficiency regarding energy consumption; 3. energy consumption of model training and inference should be considered separately - while training on GPUs outperforms all other node types regarding both runtime and energy consumption, inference on CPU nodes can be comparably efficient. One advantage of our approach is that the information on energy consumption is available to all users of the supercomputer, enabling an easy transfer to other workloads alongside a raise in user-awareness of energy consumption.
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Neuromorphic computing using biologically inspired Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) is a promising solution to meet Energy-Throughput (ET) efficiency needed for edge computing devices. Neuromorphic hardware architectures that emulate SNNs in analog/mixed-signal domains have been proposed to achieve order-of-magnitude higher energy efficiency than all-digital architectures, however at the expense of limited scalability, susceptibility to noise, complex verification, and poor flexibility. On the other hand, state-of-the-art digital neuromorphic architectures focus either on achieving high energy efficiency (Joules/synaptic operation (SOP)) or throughput efficiency (SOPs/second/area), resulting in poor ET efficiency. In this work, we present THOR, an all-digital neuromorphic processor with a novel memory hierarchy and neuron update architecture that addresses both energy consumption and throughput bottlenecks. We implemented THOR in 28nm FDSOI CMOS technology and our post-layout results demonstrate an ET efficiency of 7.29G $\text{TSOP}^2/\text{mm}^2\text{Js}$ at 0.9V, 400 MHz, which represents a 3X improvement over state-of-the-art digital neuromorphic processors.
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Incivility remains a major challenge for online discussion platforms, to such an extent that even conversations between well-intentioned users can often derail into uncivil behavior. Traditionally, platforms have relied on moderators to -- with or without algorithmic assistance -- take corrective actions such as removing comments or banning users. In this work we propose a complementary paradigm that directly empowers users by proactively enhancing their awareness about existing tension in the conversation they are engaging in and actively guides them as they are drafting their replies to avoid further escalation. As a proof of concept for this paradigm, we design an algorithmic tool that provides such proactive information directly to users, and conduct a user study in a popular discussion platform. Through a mixed methods approach combining surveys with a randomized controlled experiment, we uncover qualitative and quantitative insights regarding how the participants utilize and react to this information. Most participants report finding this proactive paradigm valuable, noting that it helps them to identify tension that they may have otherwise missed and prompts them to further reflect on their own replies and to revise them. These effects are corroborated by a comparison of how the participants draft their reply when our tool warns them that their conversation is at risk of derailing into uncivil behavior versus in a control condition where the tool is disabled. These preliminary findings highlight the potential of this user-centered paradigm and point to concrete directions for future implementations.
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